Form & Genre

Naturalism & Realism


In theatre, naturalism and realism refer specifically to artistic movements that represent real life on stage, using believable characters, narrative action and plot. Some theorists usefully suggest that naturalism pays more attention than realism to social environment as an influence on character, and that realism tends to proffer a more critical and less imitative or illusionistic aesthetic, but it is difficult to achieve consensus on definition.

Realism and naturalism are both founded on the premise that art should hold up a mirror to nature, using a mimetic mode of representation, drawing in part on Aristotle’s Poetics. These genres originally challenged the aesthetic status quo. Emile Zola was one of the key early proponents of naturalism, although whilst his play Thérèse Raquin (1873), has naturalist elements, it leans frequently towards melodrama, one of the forms naturalism was questioning. Naturalism in the theatre took hold more firmly in the late 1880s and 1890s and Konstantin Stanislavsky’s system for actors and his detailed directorial vision are almost considered templates for the creation of naturalist theatre, with their agenda to expose on stage the minutiae of social, domestic and familial life.

Naturalism and realism heralded modern drama and all the artistic, social, cultural and scientific innovations that followed in the twentieth century. As genres they were informed by scientific advances, and growing interest in classification. Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (1859), inspired naturalism’s constructions of socially determined beings located in and reacting to specific environments. Naturalism’s move to a mainstream positioning has fuelled many counteractive revolts and experiments, from Dada through Bertold Brecht’s epic theatre to performance art. It has been argued that representation through naturalist aesthetics reinforces rather than challenges the status quo, and is therefore considered politically, artistically and ideologically conservative. However, the realist work of playwrights with explicit or implicit political or social messages contests such a view and naturalism and realism still remain the dominant theatre forms in the West today. From the RCTP

Image: Photograph © Kristine Slipson

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Smelianski Interview - Asset Image Thumbnail
In which Prof. Smeliansky outlines the importance of Stanislavsky’s work in the history of Russian theatre, including Stanislavsky’s relation to Chekhov, Gordon Craig, Meyerhold and others.
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Benedetti Interview - Asset Image Thumbnail
This interview sees Jean Benedetti discussing some of the main precepts of Stanislavsky’s work, including Stanislavsky’s relation to Chekhov, Shchepkin, Meyerhold and others.
Konstantin Stanislavski. After My Life in Art, Part 3: The Return
The third episode of After My Life in Art, originally broadcast by The Culture Channel, Russia
Konstantin Stanislavski. After My Life in Art, Part 4: The System
The fourth episode of After My Life in Art, originally broadcast by The Culture Channel, Russia
Life in Art Thumb
The fifth episode of After My Life in Art, originally broadcast by The Culture Channel, Russia
Makuya Festival
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Michael Chekhov, The Sense of Wholeness. A TV series by Anatoly Smeliansky
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Michael Chekhov, The Sense of Wholeness. A TV series by Anatoly Smeliansky. Episode 5: The Other Moscow Art Theatre
The First Studio becomes an independent theatre with Michael Chekhov as its artistic director.
Michael Chekhov, The Sense of Wholeness. A TV series by Anatoly Smeliansky. Episode 5: The Other Moscow Art Theatre
Chekhov in one of signature roles, Muromsky in The Case.
Michael Chekhov, The Sense of Wholeness. A TV series by Anatoly Smeliansky
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Michael Chekhov, The Sense of Wholeness. A TV series by Anatoly Smeliansky
The pre-war years and Michael Chekhov moves his studio moved to a similar location in the United States.
Sequence 1 ‘Introduction to the Narrative company’
This video is an introduction to the company of Anthony Neilson’s Royal Court show Narrative in 2013: Anthony Neilson; Zawe Ashton; Imogen Doel; Brian Doherty; Christine Entwisle; Barney Power; Olly Rix and Sophie Ross.
Sequence 10 B ‘Onomastic authorship’
This video provides a window into other aspects of Neilson’s authorial propensities via a snapshot of rehearsal room discussion concerning what to name the characters in the show.
Sequence 10 ‘Authorship of an audition: the Footmouse Dance’
This video shows how Neilson authors and develops his script in the moment during rehearsals. This process occurs as actors Barney Power and Zawe Ashton work on a scene where Power’s character is humiliated while attending an advert audition conducted by Ashton’s maliciously bored character.
Sequence 11 B ‘Affective memory in operation’
This video clip shows actor Zawe Ashton employing the Affective Memory rehearsal technique while running a scene with actor Olly Rix.
Sequence 11 ‘The Box Therapy improvisation’
This video features Neilson and actors Zawe Ashton and Christine Entwisle’s work on developing a newly-written scene in which Ashton’s character attends an unconventional counselling appointment. It contains excerpts of discussion, as well as a full-length improvisation where Ashton’s head is masked by a cardboard box.
Sequence 12 ‘The Random Objects improvisation’
This video is the first time the company run the improvisation concerning the arbitrary items found in the rehearsal space.
Sequence 13 ‘The actors discuss Box Therapy’
In this video actors Christine Entwisle and Zawe Ashton discuss the Box Therapy improvisation.
Sequence 14 ‘Box Therapy in performance’
In this video Anthony Neilson, Christine Entwisle and Zawe Ashton finalise the performance of the therapy session during the technical rehearsal in the Jerwood Theatre Upstairs at the Royal Court.
Sequence 15 ‘Perspectives on improvisation’
Anthony Neilson and Brian Doherty talk about Neilson’s use of improvisation in his rehearsal process in this video.
Sequence 16 ‘The Human Soundscape Improvisation’
In this video the whole company conduct an improvisation run by music and sound designer Nick Powell. During the improvisation the participants attempt to create a multi-layered vocal score by splicing together various random sounds articulated by individual company members.
Sequence 17 ‘Perspectives on Neilson’s directorial approach’
Anthony Neilson, Brian Doherty and Christine Entwisle discuss features of Neilson’s methodology as a director.
Sequence 18 B ‘What did you expect’
This video shows the similarities between the beginning and the end of Narrative.
Sequence 18 ‘Ask the Audience: the ending of the show’
This video contains rehearsal room footage of the company discussing the idea of having some kind of audience participation as the ending to Narrative. Then the video moves to the technical rehearsal in the Jerwood Theatre Upstairs at the Royal Court, where Neilson directs a different way of concluding the show.
Sequence 19 ‘Perspectives on process’
In this video Anthony Neilson, Imogen Doel and Sophie Ross discuss the interaction between the actor’s process and Neilson’s directorial/authorial approach.
Sequence 2 ‘Perspectives on the pro-filmic event’
In this video the assistant director of Narrative, Ned Bennett, and actors Brian Doherty, Zawe Ashton, Sophie Ross, Barney Power and Olly Rix, discuss the effects of being filmed while rehearsing the show. Then the video moves into the rehearsal room, where Rix is running a scene from the play.
Sequence 20 ‘Neilson’s Motivational Speech’
In this video the Narrative company have come to the end of the rehearsal period. Here Neilson discusses with the cast how the following week-long technical rehearsal will be conducted and attempts to allay any concerns they may have about the forthcoming opening and subsequent run of the show.
Sequence 21 ‘Changes for Press Night’
This video contains footage of the note session before Press Night where Neilson introduces an entirely new scene to be performed by actors Imogen Doel and Zawe Ashton that evening. The video then shows the only rehearsal of the scene before the performance.
Sequence 3 ‘A different perspective’
In this video actress Christine Entwisle talks about her experience of being filmed rehearsing her role in Narrative. The video then shows the impact Entwisle discusses, during the technical rehearsal in the Jerwood Theatre Upstairs at the Royal Court.
Sequence 4 ‘Indirect authorship: synaesthesia’
Anthony Neilson considers how actors can influence the authorship of his work in this video. Then the video moves to the rehearsal room where the Narrative company throw various ideas around concerning how one of the characters being out of sync with reality can be theatrically rendered.
Sequence 5 ‘Revisiting the Random Objects Improvisation’
This is a video of the Narrative company’s second discussion and running of an improvisation using some chance items found in the rehearsal room.
Sequence 6 ‘Indirect authorship: malapropisms’
In this video the company and music and sound designer, Nick Powell, continue to explore the ways in which the character being out of sync with reality can be theatrically rendered. The footage then proceeds to show how this idea is audio-visually represented for the on-stage performance.
Sequence 7 ‘Everything feeds in’
In this video Anthony Neilson, assistant director Ned Bennett and the actors Imogen Doel, Sophie Ross, Barney Power and Christine Entwisle, reflect on the tangential properties of Neilson’s authorial process.
Sequence 8 ‘Direct authorship: Elastic-Man’
This video shows the authorial input of actor Olly Rix, as he works on a speech in the rehearsal room and then during the technical rehearsal at the Jerwood Theatre Upstairs at the Royal Court.
Sequence 9 ‘How the actor shapes the text’
Anthony Neilson and actors Olly Rix, Brian Doherty and Imogen Doel give their views on the connection between the actor and Neilson’s authorship in this video.
Smeliansky lecture asset thmb
The Stanislavski Centre Annual Lecture sees a major international figure lecturing based upon their own expertise in the field of Stanislavsky studies every year – in this case, Anatoly Smeliansky.
Merlin asset thumbnail
Bella Merlin’s practical presentation uses Stanislavsky’s Six Fundamental Questions to contextualise a demonstration of ‘practice as research’ riffing off his work, as well as Maria Knebel’s.
Mike Alfreds
An interview lasting almost two hours, covering the extraordinary breadth of Mike Alfreds’s experience as a theatre director working across different decades, cultures and continents.
by McPherson, Katrina

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